Which is the best Soundbar under 10000?

       In old days people were crazed about home theater,surrounding virtual voice,sound towers and all.

But we moved forward to latest technology to feel and enjoy the music with micro level .

What I am going to tell is earlier to set a home theater you were in struggled of wiring connections and all. But now you can feel better experience without any wiring and all. The sound bars are replacements of home theater. 

But here money also matters which one is the best one to budget and quality of sound ,space saver ,good looking and so on.

While thinking this type of matter here are the best suggestions and worth for your hard earned money.

boAt avante 160 watts sound bars is the best sound bar under 10000 rs .This has sufficient bass at minimum level of sound and no distortion at high level of sound.so what you thinking more? 
